Friday, 1 July 2016

In other news, I am still in Cayambe-Coca National Park (Andean Highlands Region), established in 1970, this park boasts over 400,000 hectares of paramos and Andean forests in the provinces of Pichincha, Imbabura, Napo, and Sucumbios. This area extends along the eastern flanks of the Andes, ranging from an altitude of 600 meters in the Amazon foothills to 5,790 meters at the top of Mount Cayambe. A group of 60 lakes forms the lacustrine system of Papallacta, known for its wealth of biological diversity. Grasslands, evergreen forests, cloud forests and montane forests make up the vast majority of Cayambe-Coca.

I'm taking care of three dogs and 5 cats. It is isolated but it is all pristine native forest so I am blessed to have experienced this in my life. I remember on Lake Powell, taking Lady Constance from the north to the south of the lake, and we'd tied up for the night down a narrow canyon, we'd fought going down it, our voices echoed, I was so ashamed, but these were the early days of my having arrived and I was feeling really angry still about having had to work that year when I had clearly said I would not go and he had said nothing, although he says he did, but he didn't, he is thinking of before when he said, 'Let's sail your boat!' no, this was after and this is when I told you I would not go. Anyway, living without him was horrible and I would go to bed as early as possible and I had no interest in doing anything but sleep during the hours when I was not working. I was like a hermit, I cut myself off from life because I couldn't enjoy doing things without him, I was insanely jealous of all the things he was doing, I wanted to be with him, this was stupid, this separation, and it need not have happened, but it did, and I angry and  I told him to be gentle the first month or so, not to mention certain things as they would trigger negative emotions in me, but that patience was not there, indeed, I believe he planned to make me angry again, he knew the triggers, but anyway, we were tied up and I spoke about how I wanted to be a hermit, how stupid, I was with the man I loved, but the thing was, I had holed myself away for an entire year, this was me back out in the world again, and being apart from him had messed with my head, I loved him yet I hated him, the pain I had gone through with him from almost the start, anyway, I knew I'd need a few weeks to 'settle' and when life with him again started showing signs that he wasn't being straight with me, it just got worse, I had no time to adjust from being a hermit, to being 'outside' again.

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